
TimeFormat can lead to misaligned output

Closed this issue · 2 comments

E.g if I use

logOpts := &tint.Options{
	AddSource:  true,
	Level:      slog.LevelDebug,
	TimeFormat: time.Kitchen + " 05.999",

I can end up with logs like:

3:36PM 44.098 DBG labeler/indexer.go:244 indexed issue repo=coder/code-server num=3031
3:36PM 44.35 DBG labeler/indexer.go:244 indexed issue repo=coder/code-server num=3029

One possible solution is accepting the width of the time column via tint.Options. The better solution, I think, is allowing a callback to generate the time string. E.g.:

NowFn: func() string {
	timeFormatted := t.Format(time.Kitchen)
	milliseconds := t.Nanosecond() / 1e6
	return timeFormatted + fmt.Sprintf(" %03d", milliseconds)

Ah, I missed that. Thank you the prompt response.