
[DEPRECATED] A tiny wrapper for chrome.storage that using Promise.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project is DEPRECATED, please use chrome-call instead.


dependencies Status devDependencies Status Bower Version NPM Version

A tiny wrapper for chrome.storage that using Promise.


chromeStorage.addChangeListener( (changes, area) => {
    expect(changes.key).toBe('value in chrome.storage.local');
}, {
    keys:['key'], // limit change event in these keys
    areas:'local' // limit change event in chrome.storage.local storage area
} );

chromeStorage.defaultArea = 'sync';

// This will not fire the change listener because of the change occur in chrome.storage.sync
chromeStorage.set( 'key', 'value in chrome.storage.sync' )
    .then( () => chromeStorage.get('key') )
    .then( items => items.key === 'value in chrome.storage.sync' );

// This will fire the change listener by specified the storage area in chrome.storage.local
    key:'value in chrome.storage.local',
    otherKey:'other value in chrome.storage.local'
}, 'local')
    .then( () => chromeStorage.remove(['key','otherKey'],'local') );


Install with Bower:

bower install chrome-storage-wrapper

Or install with npm:

npm install chrome-storage-wrapper

Or get chrome-storage.js on release, then you can:

  • Work with RequireJS:require(['path/to/chrome-storage.js'], chromeStorage => { ... })
  • Work with Browserify:const chromeStorage = require('path/to/chrome-storage.js')
  • Traditional load by <script>:<script src="path/to/chrome-storage.js"></script><script>console.dir(chromeStorage)</script>


Storage Area

Each getter/setter function work on chrome.storage.local by default. You can specified a different area by use chromeStorage.defaultArea:

chromeStorage.defaultArea = 'sync'; // use chrome.storage.sync
chromeStorage.defaultArea = 'managed'; // use chrome.storage.managed

Or you can specified the area at the last params of each getter/setter function. For example:

chromeStorage.get('key','managed').then(() => { ... });
chromeStorage.set('key','value','sync').then(() => { ... })
chromeStorage.remove('key','local').then(() => { ... })

Keys format

The getter/setter function whose are need a keys param support these format:

  • String. Like 'key'
  • Array of String. Like ['key1','key2']

All functions

chromeStorage.get(keys[, area])

Gets one or more items.

    .then(items => {


Get all items.

    .then(items => {

chromeStorage.set(keyValuePairs[, area]) , chromeStorage.set(key, value[, area])

Sets one or multiple items.

chromeStorage.set({ key1:'value1', key2:'value2' })
    .then(() => {
        // ...

chromeStorage.remove(keys[, area])

Removes one or more items.

chromeStorage.remove([ 'key1', 'key2' ])
    .then(() => {
        // ...


Removes all items.

chromeStorage.sync([ area-from, area-to])

Sync the data from area-from to area-to.

chromeStorage.addChangeListener(callback[, options])

Fired when one or more items change. This function return a function, it's used by chromeStorage.removeChangeListener. Note: The changes only has the new value. See below:

chromeStorage.addChangeListener((changes, area) => {
    changes.key2 === 'value2 - changed';
    area === 'local';
}, {
    keys:['key2'], // optional, String or Array of String. Which keys you want listen.
    areas:['local'] // optional, String or Array of String. Which storage areas you want listen.
} ); // Only listen the change from 'key2' and chrome.storage.local

chromeStorage.set('key2','value2 - changed','local');


Removes a callback function that returns by chromeStorage.addChangeListener.

const cb = chromeStorage.addChangeListener((changes, area) => {
    // ...


Run test

Clone this project, then install dependencies:

npm install
bower install

Compile *.es6 files: gulp compile-es6

Now load src folder which under the project in Chrome by click the Load unpacked extension... button at chrome://extensions. Then it will auto open a page to run test.
