
Show Comments(0) not working properly

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Im using commontator to have comments on my app, but it is not working as it should.
I followed the instructions but when I click on "Show Comments(0)" it redirects me to the correct path but just shows the same as before. Doesnt appear any button of create comment. Its just the same page.
I followed all the instructions, and i dont understand why isn't working for me.

Tldr: The link is working, but there is no new content to be showed.
By the way, I'm using Rails 6.0.0 and Ruby 2.6.3p62.

Nevermind, i solved it.
It seems that if i amb using rails 6 i can't install jquery by a gem. I had to do it by a yarn.
If anyone has the same problem, just follow this:


Thanks for the heads up. I'll add a note in the readme.