
Question: Create comment from controller

Opened this issue · 2 comments

How can i create a comment from a controller.
I want to create a comment each time i edit a post(the comment needs to be attached to the thread of the post i edited).
The documentation don't say anything abot creating a comment from the code. How should i do it?

You can do something like https://github.com/lml/commontator/blob/master/app/controllers/commontator/comments_controller.rb#L37-L39
You can get the thread with object.commontator_thread

Other lines in this method are access control (which you probably already handle yourself), subscriptions and comment nesting, which you may not need.

Thank you

Just for completness im gonna post how its done.

I putted this code on my post controller

# Code
@commontator_thread = @post.commontator_thread
@commontator_user = User.find(session["logged_user"]) 
@comment = Commontator::Comment.new(
    thread: @commontator_thread, creator: @commontator_user, body: "message text"
if @comment.save
    # Code