
'thread_id' doesn't have a default value: INSERT INTO `commontator_subscriptions`

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi there

Hoping someone can assist - I'm quite new to ruby and I'm attempting to upgrade an application to rails 5 (yea its old - i know )

running on rails 5.1 now and I seem to be getting this error
'thread_id' doesn't have a default value: INSERT INTO commontator_subscriptions

Have not changed anything related to commentator - just upgraded the gem to 5.0.0

Any guidance on how to proceed would be extremely helpful

Hm does the app have any overridden commontator views, controllers or models? Presumably something is not receiving a Commontator thread object when you try to create a subscription.

yea I think that was the issue to. After doing a rake commontator:copy which seemed to pull in everything it fixed majority of the issues

However it does seem im getting the following error on some views "Please use symbols for polymorphic route arguments"
with anything calling commontator.polymorphic_path

ignore the above - wasnt calling to_sym where necessary :)