Permanent Delete?
Closed this issue · 5 comments
I see that there was a discussion about this about a year ago and I tried doing the steps in that thread but it didnt seem to work. I'm very new at this so please excuse my amateurnish of all this. I am trying to take away the ability to undelete and when someone clicks delete their comment is gone. Can I do this?
If what you want is to hide the comments, including the deletion message, look for config.comment_filter
in the initializer and set it to:
config.comment_filter = Commontator::Comment.arel_table[:deleted_at].eq(nil)
By default, though, users cannot undelete comments deleted by someone else (so if a moderator deletes one, it's gone unless the moderator undeletes it).
I could've sworn I tried that. It worked thank you
Can I ask you an editing question?
Ask away.
Closing since the original issue was solved/inactivity.