
Chi-squared fits to particle physics data, with all correlations

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Fits with covariance matrices

This package contains Python-based tools to perform chi-squared fits to particle physics measurements while taking the covariance matrices of the data into account. Currently it supports performing the chi-squared test with 1D histograms as inputs and merging histograms to performe a simultaneous test of multiple distributions.


You will need git and Python >= 3.9 installed, as well as virtualenv and pip. In addition, the YODA Python bindings are needed to import YODA files. If you have access to CERN's cvmfs, any recent LCG environment can be used (LCG 104 is known to work). They can be activated by sourcing the script at /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/LCG_<version>/<platform>.

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/lmoureaux/CovarianceFits.git
  2. Create a Python virtualenv and activate it:
    virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install everything needed:
    python -m pip install ./CovarianceFits

That's it! All commands are now available for use. To enable your environment again after reconnecting, just do source venv/bin/activate.


Data import

All tools work on special (very simple) files, each containing a single histogram and its uncertainty. The first step to do a calculation is thus to convert input files to this format. Two tools are provided for this purpose:

  • data2pkl imports HepData YAML. It assumes that the data points and their covariance matrices are stored in two distinct YAML files. Each source of uncertainty should be a dependent_variable in the file that contains the covariance matrix. The total covariance should not be provided alongside individual sources.

    Basic usage:

    data2pkl file-with-histogram.yaml file-with-covariance.yaml data-histogram.pkl
  • yoda2pkl imports YODA files. It requires the YODA Python bindings to be installed locally. It imports a single histogram and has optional support for loading MUR and MUF variations (it then takes the envelope as the uncertainty).

    Basic usage:

    yoda2pkl prediction.yoda /Analysis/histogram-name pred-histogram.pkl --scale-unc

Calculating chi2s

Calculating the chi2s between two histograms is done with the command chi2, which takes two files as inputs. This command also supports restricting the considered range with --first-bin and --last-bin.

Basic usage:

chi2 data-histogram.pkl pred-histogram.pkl --first-bin 0 --last-bin 2

This will calculate the chi2 using the first 3 bins (0 to 2 inclusive). Negative values are supported for --last-bin and works as usual in Python.

Conbined chi2

It is possible to obtain a chi2 value taking into account bins from multiple histograms, which we refer to as a "combined" chi2. This combined chi2 is similar to a the normal case, except that the histograms need to be merged first. The tool for this is called merge-histograms. It takes the following inputs:

  • A list of histogram files to merge
  • Bin ranges to include in the merged output
  • The histogram file in which the output should be placed
  • A list of uncertainties to consider uncorrelated between the inputs. This is an essential physics input for the final calculation and will affect the results, so think about it! Note that it only makes sense to consider uncertainties as correlated between bins if they are correlated within the bin in the first place. To make your life easier, this field supports regular expressions.

Basic usage:

merge-histograms -o merged.pkl input1.pkl input2.pkl --ranges 0:4 0:5 --uncorrelated '.*[sS]tat.*'

This will merge the first 5 bins of input1.pkl with the first 6 bins of input2.pkl, considering any uncertainty whose name contains Stat or stat as uncorrelated between the inputs.

Histogram data format

The histograms data format is designed to be relatively fast and extremely simple to use (in Python). It is based on the pickle serialization library. Each file contains a dictionary with the following keys:

  • data: A 1D Numpy array with the bin contents.
  • bins: A 1D Numpy array with the bin boundaries.
  • covs: A Python dictionary. Each item is a source of uncertainty. The name is the uncertainty and the value is a 2D Numpy array encoding the uncertainty as a covariance matrix.


Originally written by Louis Moureaux based on discussions with Laurent Favart and Sara Taheri Monfared. Thorough testing and useful suggestions by Itana Bubanja.

This work is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement STRONG 2020 - No 824093. LM acknowledges the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2121 “Quantum Universe” – 390833306.