
Please update the wiki for the `updateSubscriptionItem` method

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, @brankoconjic.

Please update the Usage and Type Declarations sections of the updateSubscriptionItem method.

Thank you.



import { type SubscriptionItem, updateSubscriptionItem } from '@lemonsqueezy/lemonsqueezy.js';

const subscriptionItemId = 234567;
const quantity = 10;
const { statusCode, error, data } = await updateSubscriptionItem(subscriptionItemId, quantity);


import { type SubscriptionItem, updateSubscriptionItem } from '@lemonsqueezy/lemonsqueezy.js';

const subscriptionItemId = 234567;
const quantity = 10;

// It will be removed with the next major version.
const { statusCode, error, data } = await updateSubscriptionItem(subscriptionItemId, quantity);

// Use the 'updateSubscriptionItem' parameter instead.
const { statusCode, error, data } = await updateSubscriptionItem(subscriptionItemId, { quantity: 20, invoiceImmediately: true });

Type Declarations


 * Update a subscription item.
 * Note: this endpoint is only used with quantity-based billing. If the related subscription's product/variant has usage-based billing enabled, this endpoint will return a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response.
 * @param subscriptionItemId The given subscription item id.
 * @param quantity The unit quantity of the subscription.
 * @returns A subscription item object.
declare function updateSubscriptionItem(subscriptionItemId: string | number, quantity: number): Promise<FetchResponse<SubscriptionItem>>;


 * Update a subscription item.
 * Note: this endpoint is only used with quantity-based billing. If the related subscription's product/variant has usage-based billing enabled, this endpoint will return a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response.
 * @param subscriptionItemId The given subscription item id.
 * @param quantity The unit quantity of the subscription.
 * @deprecated It will be removed with the next major version. Use the 'updateSubscriptionItem' parameter instead.
 * @returns A subscription item object.
declare function updateSubscriptionItem(subscriptionItemId: string | number, quantity: number): Promise<FetchResponse<SubscriptionItem>>;

 * Update a subscription item.
 * Note: this endpoint is only used with quantity-based billing.
 * If the related subscription's product/variant has usage-based billing
 * enabled, this endpoint will return a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response.
 * @param subscriptionItemId The given subscription item id.
 * @param updateSubscriptionItem (Required) Update subscription item info.
 * @param updateSubscriptionItem.quantity (Required) The unit quantity of the subscription.
 * @param [updateSubscriptionItem.invoiceImmediately] (Optional) If `true`, any updates to the subscription will be charged immediately. A new prorated invoice will be generated and payment attempted. Defaults to `false`. Note that this will be overridden by the `disable_prorations` option if used.
 * @param [updateSubscriptionItem.disableProrations] (Optional) If `true`, no proration will be charged and the customer will simply be charged the new price at the next renewal. Defaults to `false`. Note that this will override the `invoice_immediately` option if used.
 * @returns A subscription item object.
declare function updateSubscriptionItem(subscriptionItemId: string | number, updateSubscriptionItem: UpdateSubscriptionItem): Promise<FetchResponse<SubscriptionItem>>;

Added. Thank you.