
Discord bot providing Fortnite-related functionalities to Discord servers

Primary LanguagePython



Discord bot providing Fortnite-related functionalities to Discord server.

Credits and resources:





Pulls the item shop via API, generates a summary image and posts it in Discord


Posts a summary containing all upcoming tournaments. Preferred regions and type of tournaments can be configured.

Periodic tasks

  • Once a day (configurable), it can generate an image with the latest item shop content and post it in a given channel
  • Every X (configurable) minutes, it checks whether a tourney is about to start and posts a reminder in a given channel if needed


Prepare Discord

You need to register your bot to Discord, and invite the bot to your Discord server. Follow the instructions from https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/discord.html . Save the bot token somewhere, you will need it later.

Get an API key for Fortniteapi.io

This project uses the Fortniteio API. To be able to use it, you need to register here: https://fortniteapi.io/ . Save the api key somewhere, you will need it later.

Prepare Python

python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install wkhtmltopdf

This bot uses the python library imgkit to convert html to images. It relies on the lightweight program wkhtmltopdf to be installed. Instructions about how to install wkhtmltopdfcan be found here: https://pypi.org/project/imgkit/


You need to create a file called .env at the root of this project. This is very important as this is where you can add the secret tokens and API keys, and configure further the bot.

Its content should look like:


Check the file settings.py for more configuration parameters. Look for lines containing os.getenv()

Run the program

. ./venv/bin/activate
python -m fordibot.bot.py

Setup autostart

Setup auto-start with docker

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up --build -d

Setup auto-start with systemctl

This is what you need to do to enable the bot when your device boots. This has been tested on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Buster 10).

1. Create a dns-ready service file

cd /lib/systemd/system
sudo vi dns-ready.service

2. Insert the following content and save the file

Description=Wait for DNS to come up using 'host'

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'until host fortniteapi.io; do sleep 1; done'


3. Create a fordibot service file

cd /lib/systemd/system
sudo vi fordibot.service

4. Insert the following content and save the file

Description=Fordibot discord bot

# The three following lines may vary depending on your setup and where the code lives on your device
ExecStart=/home/pi/fordibot/venv/bin/python -m fordibot.bot.py


5. Enable both services

sudo systemctl enable dns-ready --now
sudo systemctl enable fordibot --now