
During a dispute the bot must show to the buyer and seller, the Solver's username so that they contact him first

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Catrya commented

During a dispute, the Solver who takes it must write a direct message to those involved. The buyer and seller must wait for the Solver to contact them and in the meantime they don't know who will assist them.

That could cause problems to the solver and the users: if a Solver opens a DM to a malicious user, that user can block and report him, and Telegram will take it as a spammer since it was the Solver who wrote first. If this happens multiple times (or if the Solver had other reports for other reasons) Telegram may block the Solver account for a few days, and if it continues to happen it may permanently block the Solver account, leaving the Solver account practically unusable.

Also, since buyer and seller do not know who will handle the dispute it could happen that a malicious user who knows there is a dispute poses as a resolver and writes to them asking for personal information or money to "resolve" the dispute, or any other trick.

Describe the solution you'd like
That the bot shows the buyer and seller involved in a dispute a message with the Solver's username that will handle their dispute so that they are the ones who open a DM to the resolver.