
launch agent doesn't seem to be starting local-npm

mattkime opened this issue · 2 comments

i'm running 10.11.5 and the launch agent doesn't seem to be starting local-npm. local-npm works fine if i start it in the terminal manually.

any tips on debugging what might be wrong?

Yeah OS X launch agents are really hard to debug. You might look in /tmp/localnpm.out or /tmp/localnpm.err to see what's up.

It doesn't work on macOS Sierra (10.12.5) either.

In /tmp/localnpm.err I got this:

/Users/callum.locke/.local-npm/run.sh: line 10: nvm: command not found
/Users/callum.locke/.local-npm/run.sh: line 12: pm2: command not found

I tried changing the plist to just run a shell script (like this guide) and added source /Users/callum.locke/.bashrc before the pm2 start `which local-npm` command, but for some reason it doesn't work. I still get pm2: command not found in the error log.

Nothing seems to work.