Size Control
localnerve opened this issue · 4 comments
localnerve commented
Sizes are starting to get out of control.
- Break js and for the Settings modules out into a separate component and bundle for delivery. They are not required up front. This will also be the pattern for notifications and the subscribe as they are both going to be notifications that appear later.
- removing ImmutableJS will reduce the overall main bundle size by 11.7%.
- Get serious about polyfills. At the very least, fix object-assign poly which appears multiple times.
- Break css for Settings modules out into separate delivery bundle.
- Get serious about foundation-apps imports. Only using some of this and some unused css is getting into the output.
Track down size proportions using bundle-size-analyzer.
Look at individual module contributions and sizes using the webpack-stats json output and give it to webpack analyzer
localnerve commented
889a4bf split Settings css into separate, low-priority bundle and added support for multiple css delivery bundles.
localnerve commented
Size breakdown after immutablejs removal here.
localnerve commented
Find out if the SettingsStore can also be added to the app after the fact (sustainably).
This keeps custom actions and code splits cohesive.
localnerve commented
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