
WKTReader returns Envelope instead of Polygon

MoeweX opened this issue · 8 comments

When supplying a rectangle wktstring (POLYGON ((14 53, 13 53, 13 52, 14 52, 14 53))) to the WKTReader, the WKTReader returns an Envelope (ENVELOPE (13, 14, 53, 52)).

I find this non intuitive, as I would expect it to not change the "shape form". Is there a possibility to

  • prevent the WKTReader from "optimizing" the shape form?
  • or, to change the polygon shape "object" to an envelope shape "object" without readers/writers?

I guess this would also happen with other shapes, e.g., a circle, right?

This choice is made here:
It seems this ought to be a configuration option of the parser, wether to call ShapeFactory.build() or ShapeFactory.buildOrRect()

This only happens when parsing polygons.
As a work-around, you could extend this method of the parser to do what you want. The parser is deliberately extensible.

What do you think about adding a configuration boolean to parseIfSupported() and parse()? This would then be supplied to parseShapeByType(). Or do you think the configuration should be done via the context factory that creates the parsers in the first place?

What do you think about adding a configuration boolean to parseIfSupported() and parse()? This would then be supplied to parseShapeByType()

I think the proposed boolean, e.g. parsePolyAsRect, isn't so fundamental to parsing that it belongs in the method call to parse(). So yes I think it goes in the configuration of the context factory passed to the parser.

I sympathize the default behavior is not correct and ought to be changed (and thanks for reporting it). But the main consumer/user of this API (Apache Lucene-spatial-extras / Solr) prefers an optimized representation of the shape for performance reasons. Are you objecting to this being a config toggle or just saying you don't want to do it?

I meant the latter (I think adding a configuration option is a good idea), but if just changing the default is not an option because of Solr, I will for now rather overwrite the reader :).

It’s ok to change a default. I just think it should be configurable.