ContentObjectRenderer Xclass buggy?
Closed this issue · 6 comments
In my case this class is rendering the realurl_image twice, because of the implementation of the realurl_image logic in getImgResource, too.
This results in an image path, which ends in a 404, because the second image is not stored correctly.
Do we need getImgResource? If i delete it, it seems to work right ...
Hmmm... there are different cases in the ContentObjectRenderer. I think there are usecases, getImgResource is called and no of the other graphical functions. But the Xclass is very simple, so the problem have to be in the RealUrlImage-class manipulation. But... no time at the moment. I will check this at the end of the year...
getImgResource is called in both cImage methods. So the RealUrlImage class is doing its job twice.
Perhaps adding an parameter to getImgResource, which controls the exceution of the RealUrlImage class will solve my problem.
If getImgResource is called inside the cImage methods it should not call the RealUrlImage class.
But perhaps this is too easy ...
This is working well in my case ...
* ContentObjectRenderer Xclass
* @author Tim Lochmüller
namespace FRUIT\FlRealurlImage\Xclass\Frontend\ContentObject;
use FRUIT\FlRealurlImage\RealUrlImage;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\GraphicalFunctions;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Exception;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
* Extends tslib_cObj to change the path for the images
class ContentObjectRenderer extends \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer
* Rendering the cObject, IMG_RESOURCE
* @param array $conf
* @return string Output
* @link[extUid]=270&tx_extrepmgm_pi1[tocEl]=354&cHash=46f9299706
* @see getImgResource()
function IMG_RESOURCE($conf)
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->lastImgResourceInfo = $this->getImgResource($conf['file'], $conf['file.']);
// ###################################
// ## Here begins RealUrl_image ######
// ###################################
/** @var RealUrlImage $tx_flrealurlimage */
$tx_flrealurlimage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(RealUrlImage::class);
$tx_flrealurlimage->start($this->data, $this->table);
$new_fileName = $tx_flrealurlimage->main($conf, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->lastImgResourceInfo);
$imageResource = $tx_flrealurlimage->addAbsRefPrefix($new_fileName);
// ##################################
// ### Here ends RealURL_Image ######
// ##################################
$theValue = isset($conf['stdWrap.']) ? $this->stdWrap($imageResource, $conf['stdWrap.']) : $imageResource;
return $theValue;
* @param string $file
* @param array $conf
* @return string
function cImage($file, $conf)
if (GeneralUtility::compat_version('7.0')) {
return $this->cImage7AndUp($file, $conf);
$info = $this->getImgResource($file, $conf['file.'], true);
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->lastImageInfo = $info;
if (is_array($info)) {
if (is_file(PATH_site . $info['3'])) {
$graphicalFunctionsClass = 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Imaging\\GraphicalFunctions';
if (class_exists($graphicalFunctionsClass) && method_exists($graphicalFunctionsClass, 'pngToGifByImagemagick')) {
// modern
$return = GraphicalFunctions::pngToGifByImagemagick($info[3]);
} else {
// deprecated
$return = GeneralUtility::png_to_gif_by_imagemagick($info[3]);
$source = GeneralUtility::rawUrlEncodeFP($return);
$source = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix . $source;
} else {
$source = $info[3];
if (isset($conf['ignoreManipulation'])) {
$source = $info['origFile'];
$layoutKey = $this->stdWrap($conf['layoutKey'], $conf['layoutKey.']);
$imageTagTemplate = $this->getImageTagTemplate($layoutKey, $conf);
$sourceCollection = $this->getImageSourceCollection($layoutKey, $conf, $file);
// This array is used to collect the image-refs on the page...
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->imagesOnPage[] = $source;
$altParam = $this->getAltParam($conf);
$params = $this->stdWrapValue('params', $conf);
if ($params !== '' && $params{0} !== ' ') {
$params = ' ' . $params;
$imageTagValues = array(
'width' => $info[0],
'height' => $info[1],
'src' => htmlspecialchars($source),
'params' => $params,
'altParams' => $altParam,
'border' => $this->getBorderAttr(' border="' . (int)$conf['border'] . '"'),
'sourceCollection' => $sourceCollection,
'selfClosingTagSlash' => (!empty($GLOBALS['TSFE']->xhtmlDoctype) ? ' /' : ''),
// ###################################
// ## Here begins RealUrl_image ######
// ###################################
$tx_flrealurlimage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(RealUrlImage::class);
$tx_flrealurlimage->start($this->data, $this->table);
$new_fileName = $tx_flrealurlimage->main($conf, $info, $file, $this);
$imageTagValues['src'] = $tx_flrealurlimage->addAbsRefPrefix($new_fileName);
// ##################################
// ### Here ends RealURL_Image ######
// ##################################
$theValue = $this->substituteMarkerArray($imageTagTemplate, $imageTagValues, '###|###', true, true);
$linkWrap = isset($conf['linkWrap.']) ? $this->stdWrap($conf['linkWrap'], $conf['linkWrap.']) : $conf['linkWrap'];
if ($linkWrap) {
$theValue = $this->linkWrap($theValue, $linkWrap);
} elseif ($conf['imageLinkWrap']) {
$theValue = $this->imageLinkWrap($theValue, $info['originalFile'], $conf['imageLinkWrap.']);
$wrap = isset($conf['wrap.']) ? $this->stdWrap($conf['wrap'], $conf['wrap.']) : $conf['wrap'];
if ($wrap) {
$theValue = $this->wrap($theValue, $conf['wrap']);
return $theValue;
return parent::cImage($file, $conf);
* Returns a <img> tag with the image file defined by $file and processed according to the properties in the TypoScript array.
* Mostly this function is a sub-function to the IMAGE function which renders the IMAGE cObject in TypoScript.
* This function is called by "$this->cImage($conf['file'], $conf);" from IMAGE().
* @param string $file File TypoScript resource
* @param array $conf TypoScript configuration properties
* @return string <img> tag, (possibly wrapped in links and other HTML) if any image found.
* @access private
* @see IMAGE()
public function cImage7AndUp($file, $conf)
$tsfe = $this->getTypoScriptFrontendController();
$info = $this->getImgResource($file, $conf['file.'], true);
$tsfe->lastImageInfo = $info;
if (!is_array($info)) {
return '';
if (is_file(PATH_site . $info['3'])) {
$source = $tsfe->absRefPrefix . GeneralUtility::rawUrlEncodeFP($info['3']);
} else {
$source = $info[3];
$layoutKey = $this->stdWrap($conf['layoutKey'], $conf['layoutKey.']);
$imageTagTemplate = $this->getImageTagTemplate($layoutKey, $conf);
$sourceCollection = $this->getImageSourceCollection($layoutKey, $conf, $file);
// This array is used to collect the image-refs on the page...
$tsfe->imagesOnPage[] = $source;
$altParam = $this->getAltParam($conf);
$params = $this->stdWrapValue('params', $conf);
if ($params !== '' && $params[0] !== ' ') {
$params = ' ' . $params;
$imageTagValues = array(
'width' => (int)$info[0],
'height' => (int)$info[1],
'src' => htmlspecialchars($source),
'params' => $params,
'altParams' => $altParam,
'border' => $this->getBorderAttr(' border="' . (int)$conf['border'] . '"'),
'sourceCollection' => $sourceCollection,
'selfClosingTagSlash' => (!empty($tsfe->xhtmlDoctype) ? ' /' : ''),
// ###################################
// ## Here begins RealUrl_image ######
// ###################################
$tx_flrealurlimage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('FRUIT\\FlRealurlImage\\RealUrlImage');
$tx_flrealurlimage->start($this->data, $this->table);
$new_fileName = $tx_flrealurlimage->main($conf, $info, $file, $this);
$imageTagValues['src'] = $tx_flrealurlimage->addAbsRefPrefix($new_fileName);
// ##################################
// ### Here ends RealURL_Image ######
// ##################################
$theValue = $this->substituteMarkerArray($imageTagTemplate, $imageTagValues, '###|###', true, true);
$linkWrap = isset($conf['linkWrap.']) ? $this->stdWrap($conf['linkWrap'], $conf['linkWrap.']) : $conf['linkWrap'];
if ($linkWrap) {
$theValue = $this->linkWrap($theValue, $linkWrap);
} elseif ($conf['imageLinkWrap']) {
$originalFile = !empty($info['originalFile']) ? $info['originalFile'] : $info['origFile'];
$theValue = $this->imageLinkWrap($theValue, $originalFile, $conf['imageLinkWrap.']);
$wrap = isset($conf['wrap.']) ? $this->stdWrap($conf['wrap'], $conf['wrap.']) : $conf['wrap'];
if ((string)$wrap !== '') {
$theValue = $this->wrap($theValue, $conf['wrap']);
return $theValue;
* Creates and returns a TypoScript "imgResource".
* The value ($file) can either be a file reference (TypoScript resource) or the string "GIFBUILDER".
* In the first case a current image is returned, possibly scaled down or otherwise processed.
* In the latter case a GIFBUILDER image is returned; This means an image is made by TYPO3 from layers of elements as GIFBUILDER defines.
* In the function IMG_RESOURCE() this function is called like $this->getImgResource($conf['file'], $conf['file.']);
* Structure of the returned info array:
* 0 => width
* 1 => height
* 2 => file extension
* 3 => file name
* origFile => original file name
* origFile_mtime => original file mtime
* -- only available if processed via FAL: --
* originalFile => original file object
* processedFile => processed file object
* fileCacheHash => checksum of processed file
* @param string|File|FileReference $file A "imgResource" TypoScript data type. Either a TypoScript file resource, a file or a file reference object or the string GIFBUILDER. See description above.
* @param array $fileArray TypoScript properties for the imgResource type
* @param boolean $skipRealurlImage Skips RealurlImage execution
* @return array|NULL Returns info-array
* @see IMG_RESOURCE(), cImage(), \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Imaging\GifBuilder
public function getImgResource($file, $fileArray, $skipRealurlImage = false)
$result = parent::getImgResource($file, $fileArray);
if (!is_array($result)) {
return $result;
// ###################################
// ## Here begins RealUrl_image ######
// ###################################
$tx_flrealurlimage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(RealUrlImage::class);
/** @var $tx_flrealurlimage \FRUIT\FlRealurlImage\RealUrlImage */
$tx_flrealurlimage->start($this->data, $this->table);
$new_fileName = $tx_flrealurlimage->main([], $result, $file, $this);
$result[3] = $tx_flrealurlimage->addAbsRefPrefix($new_fileName);
// ##################################
// ### Here ends RealURL_Image ######
// ##################################
return $result;
Hey @geldmacher we should find a solutation without changing the method headers of core functions in the Xclass. Perhaps using a protected state variable in the class?! If there is a pull request, i can merge it and will release a new version...
Ok, see: #13
Merged. Release in the next minutes...