
Simple Server Discovery Client Fails

guenhter opened this issue · 2 comments

When I run the simple-server by

cargo run

it starts up with some errors in the discovery:

2023-06-16 05:14:21.512 ERROR opcua::client::comms::tcp_transport      Could not connect to host, Os { code: 111, kind: ConnectionRefused, message: "Connection refused" }
2023-06-16 05:14:21.512 ERROR opcua::client::session::session          session:1 Session has given up trying to connect to the server after 1 retries
2023-06-16 05:14:21.512 ERROR opcua::client::client                    Cannot connect to opc.tcp://localhost:4840/UADiscovery - check this error - BadNotConnected
2023-06-16 05:14:21.512 ERROR opcua::server::discovery                 Cannot find servers on discovery url opc.tcp://localhost:4840/UADiscovery, error = IS_ERROR | BadInternalError | BadEncodingLimitsExceeded | BadTimeout | BadTcpMessageTooLarge | BadTcpInternalError | BadSequenceNumberInvalid | BadNotConnected

After 5 minutes or so, the error repeats.

Any Idea why this is?

jcos1 commented

Remove the line
discovery_server_url: opc.tcp://localhost:4840/UADiscovery
from server.conf

Thx,. This removed the errors.