


  • Unity Editor (compatible with v2017.3.1f1)
  • Google Daydream
  • Google Pixel
  • Google Daydream app on Pixel device


Simply clone the repository, and open the folder in Unity.

Running the project

  1. Make sure Google Pixel is connected to the computer if testing VR
  2. Under File > Build Settings, select Android and click Build and Run
  3. Open the Google Daydream, app on Pixel phone
  4. Press play on the unity editor
  5. Accept any prompts on Pixel phone
  6. Play the game

Playing the game


Keep the virtual agent happy by making sure its needs are met. The virtual agent will express its various needs using specific emoji facial expressions. Direct the agent to the correct object to replenish its needs.


If using the Daydream VR headset and controller, simply point the controller and click the main button to direct agent.

If not using VR headset, hold Alt/Option and move mouse to look around, hold Shift to emulate controller and left click to direct agent.

Imported Assets