
Add normalizing flow example

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Add normalizing flow example

Hi @lockwo,

Firstly, thanks for this library, I liked the design of distrax but disliked not using equinox.

Are you planning on implementing the distrax.MaskedCoupling? I think I can write a flow example quite easily with this, but will have to create the distreqx equivalent if not.


Yes, I figured MaskedCoupling would be a prerequisite for this issue. It is on the checklist (#5), and while not all of them will be done pre-release, MaskedCoupling will be. I don't have an exact timeline on this but I was planning on taking a look at the NF bijectors this week. If you want to do it sooner, you are also welcome to open a PR

Yeah I will have a look also, but not sure exactly when, I guess it shouldn't be hard but I need to familiarize with distreqx :)