
Channel IO plugin wrapper for React

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



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Channel IO (Channel Talk) plugin wrapper for React.


$ yarn add react-channel-plugin

Getting started

Example code of react channel plugin.

import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-channel-plugin';
import { CHANNEL_ID_PLUGIN_KEY } from './config';

const App = () => {
  return (
    <ReactChannelIO pluginKey={CHANNEL_ID_PLUGIN_KEY} locale="en" autoBoot>
      <AppPage />

const AppPage = () => {
  const { showMessenger } = useChannelIOApi();

  useChannelIOEvent('onShowMessenger', () => {
    console.log('Messenger opened!');

  return (
    <button onClick={showMessenger}>


React provider and hooks for Channel IO API.


<ReactChannelIO /> is React Context provider, which will provides context (APIs and event listeners) to react-channel-plugin hooks. Also it receives Channel IO plugin options and initialize Channel IO instance. Make sure place <ReactChannelIO /> upper than hooks used at your app.


 * Please refer ChannelIO offical docs.
 * - ref: https://developers.channel.io/docs/web-boot-option
type ChannelIOBootOption = {};

interface ReactChannelIOProps extends ChannelIOBootOption {
   * Indicates whether ChannelIO should be automatically booted or not.
   * If `true` no need to call `boot` manually.
   * - Default: `false`
  autoBoot?: boolean;

   * Timeout before call `boot`.
   * Only work when `autoBoot` set as `true`.
   * - Default: `1000`
  autoBootTimeout?: number;

   * Need to reboot channel plugin when boot option changed?
   * - Default: `true`
  rebootOnOptionChanged?: boolean;

   * Since ChannelIO does not support `customLauncherSelector` after plugin booted,
   * add onClick event listener at element which has `customLauncherSelector`
   * whenever DOM tree mutated. (observed by `MutationObserver`)
   * - Default: `true`
  useCustomLauncherSelectorTweak?: boolean;

   * Print debug logs via `console.debug`.
   * Set `false` when use plugin at production env.
  verbose?: boolean;

   * Emitted when channel plugin booted.
  onBoot?: (err?: any, user?: ChannelIOUser) => void;


import React from 'react';
import { ReactChannelIO } from 'react-channel-plugin';
import { CHANNEL_ID_PLUGIN_KEY } from './config';

const App = () => {
  const userProfile = { ... };

  return (
      <span>Child component of the ReactChannelIO</span>


Provides API of Channel IO as React hook. Please refer official docs to see detail description of each API.

  • boot
  • shutdown
  • showMessenger
  • show (will be deprecated)
  • hideMessenger
  • hide (will be deprecated)
  • lounge (will be deprecated)
  • openChat
  • track
  • clearCallbacks
  • updateUser
  • addTags
  • removeTags
  • setPage
  • resetPage
  • showChannelButton
  • hideChannelButton


import { useChannelIOApi } from 'react-channel-plugin';

const AppPage = () => {
  const { showMessenger, updateUser } = useChannelIOApi();

  return (
      <button onClick={showMessenger}>

        onClick={() => {
            profile: {
              name: 'John Doe',
              email: 'john.doe@example.com',
              mobileNumber: '+821012345678',
        <span>Update user</span>


Provides event callbacks from Channel IO as React hook. Provide callback method name as first parameter of hook method. Please refer official docs to see detail description of each callback.

  • onBoot (will be deprecated)
  • onShowMessenger
  • onShow (will be deprecated)
  • onHideMessenger
  • onHide (will be deprecated)
  • onBadgeChanged
  • onChangeBadge (will be deprecated)
  • onChatCreated
  • onCreateChat (will be deprecated)
  • onProfileChanged
  • onChangeProfile (will be deprecated)
  • onUrlClicked
  • onClickRedirect (will be deprecated)


import { useChannelIOApi } from 'react-channel-plugin';

const AppPage = () => {
  useChannelIOEvent('onShowMessenger', () => {
    console.log('Messenger opened!');

  useChannelIOEvent('onChangeProfile', user => {
    console.log('User updated:', user);

  return null;

Pure APIs

You can use Channel IO API wrapper outside of React. Usage are same with official API, but typed via TypeScript.

WARNING: DO NOT USE with <ReactChannelIO />, because there is chance to overrides attached callbacks of react-channel-plugin and which will cause malfunctioning.

import { ChannelIO } from 'react-channel-plugin';


ChannelIO('onChatCreated', () => {
  console.log('User chat created!');


Playground for react-channel-plugin.



Please use typescript version higher than 3.8.

Thanks to awesome util downlevel-dts, we can convert d.ts file to use at older version of TypeScript even code using newer feature (like Labeled Tuple Elements).

Unit Test

To run unit test components that use react-channel plugin's hook with react-testing-library, pass ReactChannelIO provider to wrapper option of render method.

import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect';
import { render } from '@testing-library/react';

// ...

render(<ComponentWithChannelHook {...props} />, {
  wrapper: ({ children }) => {
    return (

Brower compatibility

Browser (last 2 versions)
Google Chrome
MS Edge (Chromium)
Mozilla Firefox
IE 11 ⚠️

† Since Cypress not supports IE 11, tested by hand (and may not fully tested).

IE 11 support discontinued

Channel IO offically said via email, the support is gradually being discontinued. Contact to Channel IO for more information. This is extraction of their email contents:

인터넷 익스플로러(IE) 지원이 점차 중단됩니다.

지원중단 사유

  • 마이크로소프트의 IE 지원 종료 선언
  • 취약한 보안성, 느린 속도 등 안정적이지 않은 환경

단, IE를 계속해서 사용하셔도 불편 없도록 다음과 같이 적용합니다.

  1. 익스플로러 웹사이트에서 고객이 채팅버튼을 누르면, 채팅창은 엣지 Edge 브라우저로 열립니다. (단, 윈도우7/8 에서는 > iframe 적용)
  2. 고객이 다른 경로로 익스플로러에서 채팅창을 열게 되면, 레이아웃이 다소 깨져 보일 수 있어요.

고객을 놓치면 안되죠!

  • 화면이 예쁘게 보이지 않더라도 고객과 정상적으로 채팅상담 가능하며, 이벤트 추적 등 핵심적인 기능은 모두 지원됩니다.


  • 채널톡을 이용하시는 고객 중 인터넷 익스플로러 사용자 비중 약 3%
  • 인터넷 익스플로러 최종 지원종료일은 2022년 6월 경으로 예정

💡 만약 핵심 고객군이 인터넷 익스플로러를 주로 사용하는 서비스라면, 미리 채널톡으로 문의 주세요.


react-channel-plugin is a light-weight wrapper of Channel IO JavaScript SDK. Because of this, the issue you're having likely isn't a react-channel-plugin issue, but an issue with Channel IO service itself. So please check it again, before submit new issue.