
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tcn'

fjehlik opened this issue · 2 comments

Howdy Folks,

Per the instructions, I installed via "pip install keras-tcn". My system is Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) and I use Anaconda 2.0.3 as my package manager, Spyder 4.2.5 as my python editor (Python 3.8). I verified that the tcn module had been added to the Anaconda site packages (it is in the 'tcn' folder located here):


However, when I open an instance of Spyder and try importing using the following:

from tcn import TCN, tcn_full_summary

I receive the No module named 'tcn' error. Any ideas on solving this will be appreciated!


Did you mean to use keras-tcn or TCN (this repo)?

My bad, I had a couple of windows open and posted to the wrong repo. Apolgoies, I meant to post to keras-tcn repo.