
Speeding up, GPU and 3D

HaoliangWang opened this issue · 3 comments

HI Filipe, any progress on speeding up the engine? And by the way, do you have GPU and 3D version of the physics engine? Thanks!

Hi, thanks for the interest. I plan releasing a good set of updates to the code over the next weeks, together with a paper we are presenting at NIPS this year. A 3D version, however, is not in the immediate plans, though it might happen later. As it stands, usage is already compatible with GPU (though it might not be super optimized to take advantage of that).

If you have any more questions, let me know.

Hi, I was trying to run your code and it worked perfectly. However, after switching to GPU there is an error:

ODE INTERNAL ERROR 1: assertion "aabbBound >= dMinIntExact && aabbBound < dMaxIntExact" failed in collide() [/home/repa/anaconda3/conda-bld/pyode_1576522789568/work/ode/src/collision_space.cpp:460]

it is thrown from the in the method:

    def find_contacts(self):
        # ODE contact detection[self], self.contact_callback)

do you have any idea what could cause the problem and how to fix?
It seems to happen in the case where there are 4 objects, I am applying external force to 2 of them.


Hi, were you able to solve this problem? I encountered this issue as well. Thanks!