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An example of REST API with authentication (via JWT). The server provides API for registration and some other CRUDs.


This section describes how to use the API. Also, there is a postman collection.


Register a new user.

POST /api/auth/register
-> {
    "username": "random_user",
    "email": "wowowow.gmail@gmail.com", 
    "avatar": "https://images.google.com/"
    "sex": "male"

<- {
    "result": {
        "refresh_token": "eyJhbG...refresh"

Issue an access-token

Provide Authorization: Bearer <refresh token> header to issue a new access-token:

POST /api/auth/issue-access-token
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...refresh

<- {
    "result": {
        "access_token": "eyJhbG...access"

All the following requests should be sent with an issued access-token.

Get your profile

GET /api/users/myself
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...access

<- {
    "result": {
        "id": "4cb81bf5-4520-4861-85d2-ec7ceb744115",
        "username": "xXx__WINNER__xXx",
        "sex": "male",
        "email": "wowowow.gmail@gmail.com"

Update your profile

PUT /api/users/myself
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...access
-> {
    "username": "xXx_MAFIOZI_xXx",
    "email": "soa.enjoyer@gmail.com",
    "avatar": "https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content",
    "sex": "exmale"

<- {
    "result": {
        "id": "4cb81bf5-4520-4861-85d2-ec7ceb744115",
        "username": "xXx_MAFIOZI_xXx",
        "avatar": "https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content",
        "sex": "exmale",
        "email": "soa.enjoyer@gmail.com"

Get profiles by usernames

GET /api/users?usernames=random_user,xXx__WINNER__xXx
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...access

<- {
    "result": {
        "users": [
                "id": "4cb81bf5-4520-4861-85d2-ec7ceb744115",
                "username": "xXx__WINNER__xXx",
                "sex": "male",
                "email": "wowowow.gmail@gmail.com"
                "id": "d0ed4202-ea84-4c38-b89a-35830fcaa335",
                "username": "random_user",
                "sex": "male",
                "email": "wowowow.gmail@gmail.com"

Create stats task

Create a task to get a users' statistics asynchronously.

The server will send the request to RabbitMQ. A worker consumes requests and uploads generated stats-documents to YandexCloud S3.

POST /api/stats/xXx__WINNER__xXx
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...access
<- {
    "result": {
        "id": "179c089a-827e-4436-a251-843131baa1e0"

Check stats-task status

GET /api/stats/tasks/179c089a-827e-4436-a251-843131baa1e0
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...access
<- {
    "result": {
        "id": "179c089a-827e-4436-a251-843131baa1e0",
        "status": "DONE",
        "document_url": "https://storage.yandexcloud.net/soa-stats/stats-179c089a-827e-4436-a251-843131baa1e0.pdf"

If the status is DONE, there is a link to the generated document is given.