
structured arguments + nested keys ("a.b.c") produce 'flat' JSON output

nouknouk opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm using structured arguments:

logger.info("foo txt {}", value("bar.foo", 42));

This is a very, very convenient way for the developer to structure value in his logs with an efficient syntax.

This produces the following json output:

  "bar.foo":  42

I wonder if there is any way to make encoder produce instead:

  "bar": {
    "foo": 42

Without the (less convenient) need of writing intermediate objects (JsonNode, ...) to pass to the logger.


That is not possible currently. I'm also hesitant to introduce this functionality in logstash-logback-encoder, since it will require some complex parsing and grouping logic.

I'd recommend using Maps as intermediaries.

logger.info("foo txt {}", value("bar", Map.of("foo", 42)));