
logicmonitor_website steps use_default_root does not work

matzter opened this issue · 2 comments

Whenever I try to deploy my step with the flag "use_default_root" false and an URL the terraform provider will accept it, but save the state with "true" and logic monitor will have a step that uses the default root domain.


`resource "logicmonitor_website" "test" {
type = "webcheck"
name = "test check"
domain = "www.logicmonitor.com"
polling_interval = 5
disable_alerting = true
group_id = 105
transition = 1
user_permission = "write"
individual_alert_level = "warn"
overall_alert_level = "warn"

steps = [
schema = "https"
resp_type = "config"
timeout = 30
match_type = "plain"
description = "string"
use_default_root = true
http_method = "GET"
enable = true
http_version = "1.1"
http_headers = "X-Version:3"
follow_redirection = true
post_data_edit_type = ""
name = "__step0"
req_type = "config"
fullpage_load = false
require_auth = false
path = "string"
auth = [{
password = "string"
type = "basic"
domain = "string"
user_name = "string"
keyword = ""
http_body = ""
resp_script = ""
req_script = "string"
label = "string"
url = "/"
type = "config"
invert_match = false
status_code = "200"
name = "__step1"
url = "google.com"
description = ""
use_default_root = false
enable = true
follow_redirection = true
fullpage_load = false
http_body = ""
http_headers = ""
http_method = "GET"
http_version = "1.1"
invert_match = false
keyword = ""
label = ""
match_type = "plain"
path = ""
post_data_edit_type = ""
req_script = ""
req_type = "config"
require_auth = false
resp_script = ""
resp_type = "config"
schema = "https"
status_code = ""
timeout = 30
type = "config"
auth = [{
password = "string"
type = "basic"
domain = "string"
user_name = "string"

same.. really appreciate if this can be fixed. this feature works from LM UI. but not from TF code

This issue has been fixed in the provider version v2.0.17.