
logicmonitor_datasources -- raw_data_field_name doesnt apply

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When trying to apply a datasource with the following datapoint

` data_points = [
alert_body = ""
alert_expr = ""
alert_expr_note = ""
alert_subject = ""
max_value = null
min_value = null
alert_clear_transition_interval = 0
alert_for_no_data = 1
alert_transition_interval = 5
data_type = 7
description = <<-EOT
Error severity level

                Status Code:
                Unknown = 0
                Normal = 1
                Ignore = 2
                Severe = 3
                Critical = 4
  max_digits                      = 4
  name                            = "ErrorControl"
  post_processor_method           = "json"
  post_processor_param            = "ErrorControl"
  raw_data_field_name             = "output"
  type                            = 2
The provider shows an output as the following

~ data_points = [ ~ { name = "ErrorControl" + raw_data_field_name = "output" # (15 unchanged attributes hidden) },

however when you apply this change via terraform, the lm datasource is not updated, further plans/applies show the same output

Hi @ChrisCAG , Thanks for raising this issue. We've replicated the problem on our end and will investigate and resolve it.