
UBX checksum is incorrect

Opened this issue · 4 comments

According to UBlox documents:

The checksum is calculated over the Message, starting and including the CLASS field up until, but excluding, the Checksum Field

What I've noticed in reality that 2 bytes of class ID are not taken into account when UbxGps.h calculates checksum, thus any NAV-PVT message is never considered valid

For example, this packet (without 2 checksum bytes at the end):

packet =[0xB5,0x62,0x01,0x07,0x54,0x00,0x98,0xBA,0x8A,0x1D,0xE7,0x07,0x04,0x07,0x11,0x28,0x0D,0x07,0x1A,0x00,0x00,

The valid checksum would be CK_A = 0xD9 and CK_B = 0x71

Meanwhile the library expects CK_A = 0xC0 and CK_B = 0x16
And fails because it got CK_A = 0x11

If you exclude 2 bytes for class ([0x01,0x07]) then calculated checksum matches i.e. a checksum for

packet =[0x54,0x00,0x98,0xBA,0x8A,0x1D,0xE7,0x07,0x04,0x07,0x11,0x28,0x0D,0x07,0x1A,0x00,0x00,

would indeed be CK_A = 0xC0 and CK_B = 0x16

Basically, checksum is calculated for packet size 4 bytes shorter than it actually is (2 bytes for Class ID and 2 bytes for packet size field which is in Int16 Little Endian format - [0x54,0x00] )

I need a help with fixing this code because without UART debugger playing with byte offsets by printing strings to serial is a nightmare :)

Found it!

Class props take 10 bytes, not 8 thus Class ID gets overwritten.

Easy fix:

  unsigned char offsetClassProperties = 10;

It fixed checksum issue, but now data makes no sense - like weird year on incorrect Lat/Lon

Probably another offset somewhere

  unsigned char offsetClassProperties = 12;

Because 2 bytes for HeaderClass is needed for proper offset in memory mapping

Now everything looks good

Hello @RomanTheLegend , since the NavPvt was tested with u-blox, it could be that the module you have has a different offset – what GPS module you are using, and what protocol document you are referring to in the first message?