
[EPIC] mlflow integration

shreyashankar opened this issue · 0 comments

A challenge in using the UI when going through historical component runs is that there is no way to know any valuable information about output metric/param values of component runs. To accomplish this, we will do the following:

mlflow integration User Story

Querying / Debugging


  • Which data files correspond to biggest performance delta?
  • How can we determine performance in the UI?
  1. User runs history COMPONENT_NAME
  2. In each row of the resulting table, we also want to see some performance metric
  3. Look at the performance metric that's the worst, click on that output filename to trace
  4. In the ComponentRun info card, we can also see the performance metrics and hyperparameters

Logging / Building Pipeline


  • User uses mlflow functions like log_param and log_metric
  • User has created / initialized some experiment & run combination
  • mlflow entities: experiment, run, params/metrics
  • mltrace entities: component, componentrun, iopointer

We will link an mlflow run with an mltrace ComponentRun.

Regular mlflow

def training(...):
  # init mlflow run
  with mlflow.start_run() as run_id:
    # do some work
    # train model
    mlflow.log_metric("accuracy": acc)

Autolog mlflow


def training(...):
  # train in keras

To Dos to enable integration

Storage / DB Layer

  • Add integer column that stores mlflow run ID in ComponentRun table
    • Create DB migration script that adds column
    • Adding new field and setter method to ComponentRun class in db/models.py

API Layer (e.g., what we do in the decorator, functions that the UI will call)

  • in client.py, create wrapper around mlflow.get_run so the UI can get the relevant stuff to display (flesh out more)
  • modify component_run method in init_py file to retrieve mlflow metrics & params using mlflow id
  • in the decorator (base_component.py run method), get the current mlflow run ID using mlflow.active_run().info.run_id and log this run ID along with the rest of the ComponentRun

Query Layer (what do we show in the UI)

  • in history view: add a new column to the table that represents mlflow params/metrics
  • in ComponentRun info card: add link to mlflow run ID UI and display some params/metrics