Undefined Property onInit using animate cc
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As the title states Iam getting this error on this line
controller.addEventListener( LeapEvent.LEAPMOTION_INIT,onInit );
Please mark this as a question, I cant seem to find where i am going wrong full code below
import com.leapmotion.leap.events.LeapEvent;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Frame;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Hand;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Finger;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Vector3;
import com.leapmotion.leap.util.LeapUtil;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Controller;
import com.leapmotion.leap.Listener;
var controller = new Controller();
controller.addEventListener( LeapEvent.LEAPMOTION_INIT,onInit );
controller.addEventListener( LeapEvent.LEAPMOTION_CONNECTED, onConnect );
controller.addEventListener( LeapEvent.LEAPMOTION_DISCONNECTED, onDisconnect );
controller.addEventListener( LeapEvent.LEAPMOTION_EXIT, onExit );
controller.addEventListener( LeapEvent.LEAPMOTION_FRAME, onFrame );
function onFrame( event:LeapEvent ):void
trace("On Frame");
// Get the most recent frame and report some basic information
var frame:Frame = event.frame;
trace( "Frame id: " + frame.id + ", timestamp: " + frame.timestamp + ", hands: " + frame.hands.length + ", fingers: " + frame.fingers.length + ", tools: " + frame.tools.length );
if ( frame.hands.length > 0 )
trace("hand if function");
var hand:Hand = frame.hands[ 0 ];
// Check if the hand has any fingers
var fingers:Vector.<Finger> = hand.fingers;
if ( fingers.length > 0 )
// Calculate the hand's average finger tip position
var avgPos:Vector3 = Vector3.zero();
for each ( var finger:Finger in fingers )
avgPos = avgPos.plus( finger.tipPosition );
avgPos = avgPos.divide( fingers.length );
trace( "Hand has " + fingers.length + " fingers, average finger tip position: " + avgPos );
// Get the hand's sphere radius and palm position
trace( "Hand sphere radius: " + hand.sphereRadius + " mm, palm position: " + hand.palmPosition );
// Get the hand's normal vector and direction
var normal:Vector3 = hand.palmNormal;
var direction:Vector3 = hand.direction;
// Calculate the hand's pitch, roll, and yaw angles
trace( "Hand pitch: " + LeapUtil.toDegrees( direction.pitch ) + " degrees, " + "roll: " + LeapUtil.toDegrees( normal.roll ) + " degrees, " + "yaw: " + LeapUtil.toDegrees( direction.yaw ) + " degrees\n" );