Org convert to Markdown has wrong URL link format
heptaspirit opened this issue · 1 comments
heptaspirit commented
I try to use this tool to convert my logseq org-mode file into MD, all things right, but URL has broken.
This is original org-mode file
* Blog.Agency
:collapsed: true
** [[][Sylvain Menguy - blog]]
** Minecraft 国家建筑师
:collapsed: true
*** [[][国家建筑师Cthuwork]]
** [[][GameDiscoverCo]]
And after converting, there is MD file
- Blog.Agency
:collapsed: true
- [[][Sylvain Menguy - blog]]
- Minecraft 国家建筑师
:collapsed: true
- [[][国家建筑师Cthuwork]]
- [[][GameDiscoverCo]]
The URLs in the converted MD file are still org-mode format, so they can’t be rendered correctly.
Lionade commented
For anyone having the same issue and seeking a quit solution:
I created a small zsh script to find all occurrences (in a directory and all its subdirectories) of the org-mode link syntax and converted it to the markdown one. Just change the SEARCH_DIR var to your Logseq directory.
export LC_ALL=C
# Directory to search for files
# Find and convert all files in the directory and subdirectories
find "$SEARCH_DIR" -type f -exec zsh -c '
# Function to convert string format
convert_string_format() {
local file=$1
# Use sed to replace the string format
sed -i "" -E "s/\[\[([^][]*)\]\[([^][]*)\]\]/[\2](\1)/g" "$file"
# Call the function with the current file
convert_string_format "$1"
' zsh-shell {} \;