
Debug message causes Fatal error

defensivedepth opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a very simple pipeline using the following http filter, but I continue to get errors (see here: https://gist.github.com/defensivedepth/7b8d22aeec6dedac6438d8adeaed4b1d 1)

I have tried different sites, different settings, but always come back to this error. Logstash 6.6.1

Appears to be a bug - https://discuss.elastic.co/t/http-filter-undefined-local-variable-or-method-parameters-sprintfed/169905?

input {
file {
path => "/input*.json"
codec => json


filter {
http {
url => "https://site.com/%{identifier}"


output {
stdout {}

Same with Logstash 6.7.0

the parameter_sprintfed is not defined elsewhere

@logger.debug? && @logger.debug('processing request', :url => url_for_event, :headers => headers_sprintfed, :parameters => parameters_sprintfed)