
Add Mutate function for simple math

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The idea would be to add a few simple math mutate functions to avoid the use of Ruby filters for the simplest scenarios.

Note the || 0 there to avoid Nil values blowing things up.

ruby {
  code => "event.set('[my][total]', event.get('[my][value1]') || 0 + event.get('[my][value2]') || 0)"
ruby {
  code => "event.set('[my][inferred_field]', event.get('[my][total]') || 0 - event.get('[my][value4]') || 0)"

could be replaced by

mutate {
  math_add_fields => {
    "[my][total]" => [ "[my][value1]", "[my][value2]" ]
  math_subtract_fields => {
    "[my][inferred_field]" => [ "[my][total]", "[my][value4]" ]

I'm undecided how I feel about the subtraction being chainable (e.g., if I wanted to subtract a value5, should I just add it to the end of the array?) versus just running it multiple times. The addition should definitely behave that way.

Possibly the subtraction should be exactly like the addition in that addition is effectively field += sum(fields), the subtraction could be field -= sum(fields). That might be the simplest and most straight forward way to implement it, with the value being set if it's Nil.

Robin Clarke has a PR on this filter logstash-plugins/logstash-filter-math#1
I have made some suggested improvements. Its in progress.