
Remove logstash-forwarder from integration testing

andsel opened this issue · 0 comments

Logstash-forwarder has been completely supplanted by Beats and ElasticAgent, so there is no need to the keep testing on it like in https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-beats/blob/339913cbf0268da82ab517cfdbf5e3c3ece99191/spec/integration/logstash_forwarder_spec.rb .

  • remove the testing code being sure that there isn't any loose in code coverage terms, that all meaningful source paths for Beats keeps tested.
  • update the fixture preparation test script to don't download it:
    desc "Download latest stable version of Logstash-forwarder"
    task :lsf do
    destination = File.join(VENDOR_PATH, "logstash-forwarder")
    download_destination = File.join(destination, "logstash-forwarder")
    puts "Logstash-forwarder: downloading from #{LSF_URL} to #{download_destination}"
    download(LSF_URL, download_destination)
    File.chmod(0755, download_destination)