
Integration testing on Elasticsearch 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT is broken

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jsvd commented
  1) LogStash::Inputs::Elasticsearch against an unsecured elasticsearch behaves like an elasticsearch index plugin should retrieve json event from elasticsearch
     Failure/Error: es.index(params)
       [400] {"error":"no handler found for uri [/logs/doc] and method [POST]"}
     Shared Example Group: "an elasticsearch index plugin" called from ./spec/inputs/integration/elasticsearch_spec.rb:46
     # ./spec/es_helper.rb:43:in `index_doc'
     # ./spec/inputs/integration/elasticsearch_spec.rb:24:in `block in <main>'
     # ./spec/inputs/integration/elasticsearch_spec.rb:23:in `block in <main>'

Finished in 3.91 seconds (files took 10.91 seconds to load)
1 example, 1 failure