
controlled_read general error reading {:path=>"Trace.log", :exception=>SystemCallError, :message=>"Unknown error (SystemCallError)

aparnavodapalli opened this issue · 0 comments

Logstash information:

Please include the following information:

  1. Logstash version 7.15.1
  2. Logstash installation source RPM
  3. Logstash is being run as a systemd service
  4. Logstash Plugin installed by default with logstash

JVM (e.g. java -version): bundled jvm of logstash version 7.15.1

If the affected version of Logstash is 7.9 (or earlier), or if it is NOT using the bundled JDK or using the 'no-jdk' version in 7.10 (or higher), please provide the following information:

  1. JVM version (java -version)
  2. JVM installation source (e.g. from the Operating System's package manager, from source, etc).
  3. Value of the JAVA_HOME environment variable if set.

OS version (uname -a if on a Unix-like system):
Linux 3.10.0-1160.36.2.el7.x86_64 #1 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. We have rotating logs, and logstash is parsing the logs with grok filter and sending logs to elasticsearch,
  2. every time file is rotated, it generates this error.
  3. [ERROR][filewatch.tailmode.handlers.grow][main][3b4cf8f58c6099ebd2c449d4e9f67da41d0e3379c50f0897bf25d0902ef13064] controlled_read general error reading {:path=>"Trace.log", :exception=>SystemCallError, :message=>"Unknown error (SystemCallError) -Trace.log"}

Provide logs (if relevant):