

hg199705 opened this issue · 1 comments

我用的logstash7.1版同步oracle数据到es中,oracle中date(yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss)字段同步后都成了yyyy-mm-dd‘T’16:00:00.000Z格式,应该没有同步过来时分秒并早8小时的时间。不知道如何解决。

kares commented

for anyone not familiar with Chinese here's a translation :

I use logstash 7.1 to synchronize oracle data to es, the date (yyyy-mm-dd hh24: mi: ss) field in oracle has become yyyy-mm-dd'T'16: 00: 00.000Z format , There should be no synchronization over hours, minutes, seconds, and 8 hours earlier. Don't know how to solve it.

not sure what exactly is causing you issues but we generally recommend you ask questions in our forum and leave the tracker for errors and bug reports. maybe you could try re-phrasing the question there.