
Plugin does not create consumer group in kafka?

mckingho opened this issue · 0 comments

I can get messages from kafka. But I cannot list the group id of logstash from kafka's zookeeper. So I am not able to check my message lag using consumer offset command.

Is it plugin's feature, or I set a wrong configuration? Please help if you find any possible issue. Much thanks.

  • Version: v5.1.11 (logstash 5.6.1)
  • Operating System: centos:7 (run as docker container)
  • Config File
input {
    kafka {
        topics => ["test"] 
        bootstrap_servers => "10.x.x.x:29092,10.x.x.x:29093,10.x.x.x:29094"
        group_id => "logstash"

My kafka configuration where 35.x.x.x is external ip, 10.x.x.x is internal ip of same region network with logstash.

inter.broker.listener.name: INTERNAL
advertised.listeners: EXTERNAL://35.x.x.x:9092,INTERNAL://10.x.x.x:19092,CONSUMER://10.x.x.x:29092

I have 2 more kafka with similar setting, only port number increment by 1 and 2 (9093, 9094).