
use_tracking_column uses last read value from result set instead of the maximal value

L00kian opened this issue · 0 comments

Logstash information:

  1. Logstash version - 8.6.1
  2. Logstash installation source - Docker
  3. How is Logstash being run - container in kubernetes deployment
  4. How was the Logstash Plugin installed - bundled

JVM: Bundled

OS version: Bundled

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior:

Expected result: when running a query with 'use_tracking_column' set to true it is expected that plugin will use maximal value read (since documentation doesn't state otherwise)
Actual result: the last read value is used (i.e last in the result set)

Steps to reproduce:

Use any query that is not ordered by the 'use_tracking_column' column