
csv separator character should not be escaped.

suyograo opened this issue · 2 comments

From elastic/logstash#3001

I followed the guide in http://logstash.net/docs/1.4.2/outputs/csv#csv_options, but the separator was escaped. For example:

a\t2015-04-14 06:24:07 UTC\t1\nb\t2015-04-14 06:24:08 UTC\t1\nc\t2015-04-14 06:24:09 UTC\t1\n""\t2015-04-14 06:24:09 UTC\t1\nd\t2015-04-14 06:24:10 UTC\t1\n

input {
stdin {}

output {
csv {
fields => [ "message", "@timestamp", "@Version" ]
csv_options => {"col_sep" => "\t" "row_sep" => "\n"}
path => "/tmp/test.csv"

logstash version: 1.4.2

Root cause analysis and main discussion stream in elastic/logstash#1645

ppf2 commented

Given that \t and \r\n syntax don't actually work in Logstash, until elastic/logstash#1645 is addressed in product, we should fix the documentation for we are currently providing \t and \r\n as example usage for csv_options:
