
Race condition between register and finish_register lands data in ecs_logstash instead of data stream

jsvd opened this issue · 1 comments

jsvd commented

The register method has a sequence of actions:

  1. setup_template_manager_defaults(data_stream_enabled)
  2. after_successful_connection w/ finish_register
  3. sets up @index according to data stream

During 2. a new thread is launched to execute finish_register once a connection is established.

A race condition can happen if the order is:

  1. thread is launched in register to run finish_register
  2. the first set of instructions from finish_register execute
  3. the rest of register executes
  4. ilm_setup executes.

This sequence causes install_template to be called before @index is set to a data stream here.
During install_template, ilm_in_use? is called, and ilm_actually_enabled becomes true.
Once finish_register gets to setup_ilm if ilm_in_use?, ilm_in_use? is true and so @index is overwritten here.

jsvd commented

The only available work around at this point is to disable data streams entirely and construct the data stream name through string interpolation (and also disabling template management and ILM):

output {
    elasticsearch {
        cloud_id => "..."
        cloud_auth => ".."
        data_stream => false
        # alternative to data_stream_auto_routing => true
        index => "%{[data_stream][type]}-%{[data_stream][dataset]}-%{[data_stream][namespace]}"
        # data streams only support create
        action => "create"
        manage_template => false
        ilm_enabled => false