
remove named capture groups from predefined grok patterns

LucaWintergerst opened this issue · 0 comments

Named capture groups create new fields in logstash and can cause unexpected behaviour. In most patterns that is not the case, but a handful of them name some fields.

For example, when using the URIHOST grok pattern, a field with the name port is created as one of the capture groups is named in the pattern definition.
Changing this would be a breaking change as some users might be relying on this behaviour. We could fix this in time for 7.x


should be changed to


My suggestion is to remove all named capture groups from https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-patterns-core/blob/master/patterns/grok-patterns

Other patterns should continue to have name groups to make them easier to use, for example https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-patterns-core/blob/master/patterns/haproxy