
HTTPD_COMBINEDLOG pattern conflicts with ECS v1.0

C-Duv opened this issue · 4 comments

C-Duv commented

The HTTPD_COMBINEDLOG pattern creates a agent field which conflicts with the agent field of ECS 1.0.

I'm running into this as well. I'd propose renaming the match to "useragent", and I will in my own configuration, but I'm not sure what kind of downstream effects that'll have.

any workaround for this?

What I've done is replacing the HTTPD_COMBINEDLOG pattern with %{HTTPD_COMMONLOG} %{QS:referrer} %{QS:client_agent}. This avoids having a conflicting agent field.

Faced the same issue and used the workaround @tcassaert suggested. I'd suggest to have the agent changed to useragent