
CISCOFW106006_106007_106010 not matching

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example log message:

<187>Apr 30 2013 09:23:40: %ASA-3-106010: Deny inbound sctp src INET: dst INET:

the reason why it doesn;'t match is because INET: in front of source and dst ip address isn't accounted for (which i believe is the firewall interface name).
furthermore (?:(%{DATA:[destination][user][name]}))? (?:(?:on interface %{NOTSPACE:[observer][egress][interface][name]})|(?:due to %{CISCO_REASON:[event][reason]}))` it's supposed to be fully optional but only matches up to [destination][user][name]

another failed match

%ASA-3-106010: Deny inbound protocol 47 src INET: dst INET:

according to


Error Message %ASA-3-106010: Deny inbound protocol src [interface_name : source_address/source_port ] [([idfw_user | FQDN_string ], sg_info )] dst [interface_name : dest_address /dest_port }[([idfw_user | FQDN_string ], sg_info )]