Configuration object - cursor position tracking frequency not customizable
dpirrott opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm trying to change the cursorUpdateFrequency key within the browserEvents object inside the configuration object but no matter what I change it to it always updates every 200ms.
I realized the only way for me to update the cursorUpdateFrequency was to go into the logui.bundle.js and manually set the following line:
(e = Te.browserEventsConfig.get("cursorUpdateFrequency", 200))
(e = Te.browserEventsConfig.get("cursorUpdateFrequency", 1000))
in order to change the frequency to once every second.
Is there anything I'm doing wrong by setting it in the configuration object? because the following doesn't update the cursorUpdateFrequency.
Here's the browserEvents section of the configuration object:
browserEvents: {
blockEventBubbling: true,
eventsWhileScrolling: true,
URLChanges: true,
contextMenu: true,
pageFocus: true,
trackCursor: true,
cursorUpdateFrequency: 1000,
cursorLeavingPage: true,
I can manage temporarily by updating the logui.bundle.js file directly but it would be much more convenient to have the configuration object settings applied.
Hi @dpirrott,
Thanks for your message. Sorry to see you had a bit of trouble with this. This was something that tripped up another user before as well. Can I ask, what version of the client library are you using? The name of the property was changed, which is causing headaches for some who are using older versions of the client.
You can get the version by opening the developer console with the page you are using LogUI on and entering LogUI.buildVersion
Let me know what you're using and I'll see what we can do from there.
Hi @maxwelld90,
I appreciate your response! Looks like I'm using version 0.5.4a
, it was a pre-compiled version so you're probably right about it being out of date.
Just to clarify, I was using it with the example apps (body-click & sample-search)