Redux DevTools support
dangreen opened this issue · 12 comments
Why enhancer is applied like this:
@ai Enhancers like redux-devtools doesn't work with this method:
- It wraps basic redux methods (getStore, dispatch, subscribe, replaceReducer) (ok, we can add other methods to your code
- But it also need to wrap reducer, with your method this is not possible.
Redux DevTools anyway will not work with Logux, because Logux has own actions log and own time travel.
@ai If pass enhancer
directly to createStore
, redux-devtools is working, maybe not fully, but it shows actions log and state history.
Even actions log will be wrong, because Redux DevTools doesn't care about Logux’s actions created time (in Redux new action goes to the end of the log, in Logux you can receive old action from the server to insert it in the middle of the log).
Same with state history. Because of Logux’s time travel it could be wrong.
Ok, let's forget redux-devtools, how about other enhancers, which need to wrap redux methods and reducer? We are creating redux store, and we whant full comparability with all enhancers/middlewares.
Yeap, we can pass smog methods to enhancers. What other methods we should add?
We can do stuff like this
var middlewared = enhancer(function () {
return {
getState: store.getState,
subscribe: store.subscribe,
replaceReducer: store.replaceReducer,
dispatch: dispatch
})(reducer, preloadedState)
store.getState = middlewared.getState
store.subscribe = middlewared.subscribe
store.replaceReducer = middlewared.replaceReducer
store.dispatch = middlewared.dispatch
But why not simply
var store = createStore(hackReducer(reducer), preloadedState, enhancer)
Do you want to send PR?
Yes I want, but with second variant.
Sure, let's try it. Tests will fail of I forgot something.
All tests were passed.