
TOKEN param

ghjnut opened this issue · 5 comments

Is there any way we can have the token set as maybe and ENV variable or some other way to configure it? I usually don't like baking those into my images.

Sorry, the "image" portion is irrelevant. I just happen to be working with docker.

@ghjnut Currently no, but you can wrap this container with another one that pass the token to the right place.

@idohalevi Lets add it to our feature list?

@ghjnut @roiravhon I will add it

As a side note, the s3 plugin has credentials as separate params which are redacted in the logs so it may still be useful to offer it as a separate config variable

  <match *.nodes.*>
    @type s3
    aws_key_id xxxxxx
    aws_sec_key xxxxxx