
Quickstart script not working due to typo

Closed this issue · 4 comments

--repo https://logzio.github.io/logzio-helm/metricbeat logzio-k8s-metrics logzio-k8s-metrics

You wrote the chart name twice instead of once, which causes your script to fail.

@dorsharon this is not a typo. The first logzio-k8s-metrics is the installation name at the target cluster, the second one is the chart name

I see. Is this meant to run only on Helm 3?
Because according to helm 2 docs, you're meant to provide a chart name and a path to the chart, which you do via the - - repo flag.
Anyway, when trying to run this using helm 2.16, this script fails.
Removing the second parameter made it work correctly.

Yes, the script's target is Helm 3. Thanks for letting us know the problem in older versions, we will issue a fix for backward compatibility

Helm 2 will reach its end of life by the end of Nov. 2020