
extraConfig rendered incorrectly

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When using v0.4.1 as follows:

helm -n monitoring upgrade  \
  --set daemonset.logType="$CLUSTER_NAME" \
  --set secrets.logzioShippingToken=$LOGZIO_TOKEN \
  --set secrets.logzioListener='listener-eu.logz.io' \
  --set-file configmap.extraConfig=./fluentd-extra.yml \
  logzio-fluentd logzio-helm/logzio-fluentd

And with the extras file as follows:

zerto.conf: |-
    # Elide Zerto logs
    <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**zerto**.log>
      @type null
drop.conf: |-
    # Elide metric exporter logs
    <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**logzio-otel-k8s-metrics-otel-collector**.log>
      @type null
    # Drop empty log lines
    <filter **>
        @type grep
            key message
            pattern ^\s*$

The resulting configmap is incorrect (and don't ask how long it took to figure out why my drops weren't taking effect...). Check out the includes derived from the extraConfig file:

 fluent.conf: |
    @include "#{ENV['FLUENTD_SYSTEMD_CONF'] || 'systemd'}.conf"
    @include "#{ENV['FLUENTD_PROMETHEUS_CONF'] || 'prometheus'}.conf"
    @include kubernetes.conf
    @include system.conf
    @include conf.d/*.conf
    @include drop.conf@include zerto.conf
    <match "#{ENV['INCLUDE_NAMESPACE'] || '**'}">

I haven't found a way to work around this except to modify the configmap manually post-install.

Hi @holograph,
Thank you for reporting this bug, and sorry for the inconvenience.
We will work on a fix, but we don't have an ETA for it at the moment.
If you want, you can contribute a PR for this :)