
Deprecated version of HorizontalPodAutoscaler used

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We've observed that the HorizontalPodAutoscaler version (autoscaling/v2beta1) is deprecated in newer Kubernetes versions, starting from version 1.25, while using the logzio-helm/logzio-k8s-telemetry chart for our project. It would be best if you could upgrade to version autoscaling/v2, which now has all the functionalities of the v2beta1 and beta2 versions.
It can be checked in this documentation: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/

Best regards

Hi @ralongit , I see that you are working on the fix for this. When can we expect new release with this fix, like, expected date?
Tnx 🙋‍♂️

Hi @nsinfoPRO , @Aleksaa98 ,

I've released the new charts versions:
The logzio-monitoring chart v1.8.0 and its sub chart logzio-k8s-telemetry v1.3.0.