
includeNamespace meaning

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the setting includeNamespace doesnt mean namespaces but container names?

For me the namespace name stopped all logs from beeing shipped.

Hi @fabianboerner ,
Can you please share how you configured this variable?
Each container is represented in a log file in the node. The log file's name contains (among other things), the namespace. This is why in the instructions we wrote:

Use if you wish to send logs from specific k8s namespaces, space delimited. Should be in the following format: kubernetes.var.log.containers.**_<<NAMESPACE-TO-INCLUDE>>_** kubernetes.var.log.containers.**_<<ANOTHER-NAMESPACE>>_**.

Then this value is being used in our output plugin, to filter only logs with those tags.

i used "kubernetes.var.log.containers.namespace"

should it be "kubernetes.var.log.containers.**_namespace_** ?

@fabianboerner exactly, it should be kubernetes.var.log.containers.**_namespace_**.