
Link.Relink throws "Cannot create the link resource from the given URI."

sanzoghenzo opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, thanks a ton for your work!

With the information on this site I was able to put up a python-centric DTP workflow, using invoke, pandoc, lxml and pillow.

Usually the final product is a bulletin with most of the pages in B/W, so I convert and place the b/w images (converted using pillow) in the InDesign file, but recently we need to also have the color version for digital distribution.

I'm trying to automate the switch from B/W to color images (I put them into two separate folders, "images" and "images_bw", so I only need to change the parent folder):

def relink_images(indd_file, source_dir, dest_dir):
    app = win32com.client.Dispatch('InDesign.Application.CC.2017')
    ui_level =  app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel
    # UserInteractionLevels.neverInteract
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = 1699640946
    cur_doc = app.Open(indd_file)
    for link in cur_doc.Links:
        link_path = pathlib.Path(link.filePath)
        if link_path.parent.name == source_dir:
            new_path = link_path.parent.parent / dest_dir / link_path.name
            if new_path.exists():
                print(f"relinking {link_path.name} to {new_path}...")
                except Exception as err:
                    print(f"Error relinking {new_path}:", err)
                print(f"No file named {link_path.name} exitst in {dest_dir}")
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = ui_level

The Link.Relink method raises an exception:

(-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (35869, 'C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe InDesign CC 2017\\InDesign.exe', 'Cannot create the link resource from the given URI.', None, 0, 0), None)

I saw that other have the same problem with javascript, and solved using the new File() js object (even though the docs states that you can use a string).

Since we don't have access to the File object, what are our options here?

Thanks for the attention!

@sanzoghenzo Did you ever figure this out? I'm dealing with a similar problem.

Hi @Amaretto-Coke ,
Unfortunately I didn't find a solution for this, and I probably never will since I abandoned this project.
Good luck!

@sanzoghenzo Thanks for the reply. I'll continue troubleshooting, maybe there's a workaround. I'll post here if I find anything.

@sanzoghenzo Putting "file:" in front of the path seemed to do the trick for me.

@sanzoghenzo Putting "file:" in front of the path seemed to do the trick for me.

This seemed to work for me as well. i.e

Good to know! Closing this, but this info could be made into an example if someone is willing to do that