
Tried setting this up but getting -10

Psychoboy opened this issue · 5 comments

I have a Galaxy Watch 3 and have the app on it, it works for a few seconds starts sending 0 heart rate then sends actual heart rate then starts sending -10

Hum... Can you check that you watch is in continuous tracking of the heart rate + that the app doesn't close in the background after a few min ? That's should resolve the issue, I'm not quite aware of the power management on Tisen OSes :)

I built the Native App of this program. Maybe it will work for you.

Actually I needed to reset my watch before the 3.0 api would work.
My watch also reported 0 for some time.

@greysquidcat I have no word to that, you've done an amazing job, I will test the app ASAP. Do you have some visuals to show ? I would love to see this in action. Unfortunately with school, I have not a lot of time, I hope to dive in the native Tizen OS app enough to learn. Again, it's just amazing.

Nevermind, I'm watching the pull request, I'm already amazed. ^^